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WE ARE NATURE: A Vibrant Tapestry - Echos at Sundown

Part of Climate Week NYC 2024, the event weaves together live performances by musicians, dancers, and multimedia artists to create a tapestry of expression and reflection on our relationship with the Earth.

Climate Changes by Emmanuelle Zagoria  (Voice, Harp, and Cello)
The Department NYC presents Climate Changes, a stirring song cycle performance that blends voice, harp, and cello to create an anthem for the planet.

Wildflower Suite by Lia Pikus (Cello Performance)
Composed during her residency at Shenandoah National Park, this suite of pieces is inspired by the flora of the park, each movement a dialogue with the natural world.

Site Specific Dance Performances by Hivewild (Excerpts from: with your sweet fragrance). Guided by the question, “how do we become tender with the Earth?" This work aims to underscore how human relationships reflect human treatment of the Earth and its resources, by integrating a multi-species and multidisciplinary perspective.

Site Specific Art Installation by Seema Lisa Pandya the recipient of the 2024 Broadway Stages’ Arts Residency Award. Pandya's installation, Resonant Nature, is a striking series of vertical sculptures designed using the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence.

Special Projections & DJ Set by Forager & Winslow Porter


Press Release            

NOoSPHERE Arts’programs are made possible in part with public support from the New York State Council on the Arts, with support from Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, by the Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC) Creative Equation’s Fund supported by Howard Gilman Foundation, and Broadway Stages.

NOoSPHERE Arts is also part of Bloomberg Connects, a free culture mobile app featuring guides to hundreds of museums, galleries, sculpture parks, gardens, and cultural spaces.  

Drinks sponsored by Tru Seltzer via Rue, a new startup that finds sponsorships for your events. Follow @rueclub for more info.    

August 24

WE ARE NATURE: A Vibrant Tapestry - Resonant Nature